Resources for World Oceans Day

Resources for World Oceans Day

Resources for World Oceans Day

May, 16th 2023 - 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern (60 Minutes)

With Water Education Experts from Water Rangers, OceanWise & Project Wet!


Wondering how best to connect your class to awe-inspiring water education for World Oceans Day on June 8? Look no further! Our top panel of water educators will provide hands-on, engaging activities to do just that. Whether you live on the coast or deep inland, these water pros will connect you to your oceans in a wondrous way! 

Join water testing and data collection heroes, Water Rangers, community building, ocean conservation, and climate superstars Ocean Wise, and educational engagement specialists Project Wet for this workshop that will wash you away on a tide of ideas.

All registrants will be entered to win some great draw prizes! Following the workshop, you will receive a discount link to the resources shared, the recording, and access your Certificate of Attendance.

You can access some of the Water Education Resources that will be shared here: