Land-based Learning and Reconciliation: Resources for Teaching CHILDREN
September, 24th 2024 - 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern (60 Minutes)
With a diverse group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Educators and Authors
SIGN UP TO ATTENDJoin an incredible group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators and authors as they share resources to teach children about Land-based Learning and Reconciliation.
All registrants will be entered to win some great draw prizes! All registrants will receive a discount code to access the shared resources, the recording, and a link to access a Certificate of Attendance.
- Elder Dr. Albert D. Marshall is from the Moose Clan of the Mi’kmaw Nation, Eskasoni First Nation in Unama’ki-Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Co-author of Walking Together and a fluent speaker of Mi’kmaw, he has brought forth the concept of Etuaptmumk / Two-Eyed Seeing which honors the strengths of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing for the benefit of all.
- Louise Zimanyi, is a non-Indigenous Ally, professor and co-author of Walking Together. She is co-learning from and with the Land and wise teachers, co-transforming early childhood pedagogy and practice.
- Willie Poll is a proud Métis who has spent the last ten years working in Indigenous education. She is very passionate about supporting Indigenous youth to reach their dreams and reclaim their power. Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat as One is her first book.
- Eileen Delehanty Pearkes, non-Indigenous Ally and author of Heart of a River, explores the intersection of landscape, history, and human imagination through her writing, maps, and visual notebooks, with a focus on Indigenous culture and the significance of water.
- Ariana Roundpoint, a Mohawk children’s author and the co-author of Sila and the Land , helps school boards deepen their understanding of culture and art from an Indigenous perspective.
- Rachel Vander Veen, non-Indigenous Ally and author or the Land Outside my Window, has spent many years advocating the benefits and joys of reading and more recently, giving children the opportunity to connect to the Land. These days, you will find her out exploring and learning with the Bushkids!
This panel will feature authors and creators of excellent children’s resources such as: