You will find all resources and recordings from the Winter 2025 Michif Course below
If you have learning requests you can add them to our shared learning spreadsheet here and Amy and Marie will try their best to answer all they can.
We are excited to host you on your Southern Michif learning journey!! If you are not already a member of the Michif Sharing Circle on Facebook or following Koohkoom Marie on Tiktok please join us there to view beginner words and phases and build community.
groups/1194296708042956 -
koohkoommarie or KoohkoomMarie
We offer an honour system for obtaining certificate of completion – if you agree to attend or watch all the recordings you will be issued a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Week 1
Week 1
- Lesson 1 Koohkoom Itway
- Lesson 1 Michif Language head and shoulders song copy
- Lesson 1 Phone conversation Michif