Why 1°C Is a Big Deal
Why understanding the link between small increases in the average temperature and severe climate change events is important
The Art and Science of Teaching Climate Change
In this webinar, educators will learn strategies to communicate climate change principles that can be applied to any classroom. Through practical, inquiry-focused activities, teachers will gain tools to navigate one of the most important environmental issues of our generation.
Teaching Kids about Climate Change
Rather than overwhelm young people with the daunting challenges facing humanity, the book’s focus is to help them to appreciate the many solutions that individuals, organizations and governments are already implementing to mitigate climate change. The overall goal of the book is to introduce basic concepts and to help cultivate a sense of wonder about the natural world.
Stories in the Data
What can elementary and middle school children learn about the world around them by looking at the numbers?
Activity: Climate Change Denial
Exploring the phenomenon of climate change denial, what lies behind it and the dangers it presents, and considering what might be done.
An activity from "Unleashing blessed unrest as the heating happens," Green Teacher 94, Fall 2011
Activity: Weathering Climate Confusion
An activity from "Unleashing blessed unrest as the heating happens"
Clarifying the difference between climate and weather while alerting students to levels of public confusion about the two terms.
Climate Change Despair and Empowerment Activity Sequence
An activity from "Unleashing blessed unrest as the heating happens"
Encouraging students to share their anxieties about climate change futures; helping them discover that others share their fears; fostering their disposition and readiness to take action.
Activity: Guidebook for Survivors
An activity from "Unleashing blessed unrest as the heating happens"
Students work within an imagined dystopian climate change scenario to develop a guidebook for climate change survivors. They then transform gloom into purposefulness and pro-activity by considering whether they and others could act on their guidebook now to avoid global warming, and to what effect.
Going off-ramp: A car trip reduction plan for schools
Any school group can use the off ramp framework to develop car trip reduction strategies suited to their community. The following are guidelines for planning and implementing a successful program. Excerpted from the book "Teaching About Climate Change"
Is climate change good for us?
An activity for exploring how changes in climate could affect daily life and influence the economy of a region.
From the book "Teaching About Climate Change"
Counting the real costs of cars
An activity for high school students and adults
From "Teaching About Climate Change"
The Clean Air Game
A fun, active outdoor game for helping students visualize how human activities enhance the natural greenhouse effect.
Rethinking Climate Change Education
Apart from teaching about climate change from a scientific perspective, developing attitudes and behaviors that will enable people to mitigate and adapt to climate change will require a holistic approach—the authors detail six important components which could form the basis for such an approach. (Appropriate for grades 7 and up)
Growing Behavior Change
Strategies for making positive changes in students’ behaviors and attitudes towards the environment, whether students are taught on a short- or long-term basis. (For all ages)
Unleashing Blessed Unrest As the Heating Happens
How learning spaces can help to avoid the worst scenarios now before us for the heating of the planet, followed by four learning activities
Climate Change and Regional Geography
Climate change can bring an immediate and pressing relevance to the study of geography, coaxing new ideas out of worn textbooks.