Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals
A new strategy for engaging students on global issues in the classroom
Inside the Birding Activity Bag
Using bird observations to ground 8-12-year-olds in environmental literacy
Last Child in the Woods, First Book in the Field
A critical appraisal of the enormous impact of Richard Louv’s 2005 book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.
Bringing Children Back to Nature
Five activities for children aged 4 - 13 developed by outdoor educator Joseph Cornell. The activities follow the principles of Cornell’s “Flow Learning” to gently guide participants into deeper and more profound experiences of nature through the following principles: “awaken enthusiasm”; “focus attention”; “direct experience”; and “share inspiration”.
Developing a Sense of Place Through Native Science Activities
Twenty five basic activities inspired by the writings of people who have lived close to the land. These activities aim to develop a deeper sense of place by going beyond Western science to observe and interact with nature qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
The Mystery of the Missing Mayflies
How to lead grades 5-8 students in inquiry-based field investigations of their local waterways.
Children’s Rights and Climate Change
Help young people realize the rights they have to a healthy planet and lifestyle with these activities from UNICEF Canada for middle and high school students.