Youth Transforming Transit
The benefits public transit can have on our youth, schools, and the community
Plastic Grass isn't Greener
An exploration of the environmental and human health hazards of artificial turf
in our schools and communities
Conservation Animation
Creating animated videos with high school students to encourage local conservation
Wild in the City
The importance of urban environmental exploration for students and teachers
Fostering Youth Leadership in Urban Places
Building just and healthy communities requires trust in young people
Feeling the Heat
A student-centered approach to reducing the urban heat island effect on campus
Inspiring the Bioregional Imagination
Deepening the connection to place through reading, writing and ecology
From Blackberry Patches to Blacktop
The importance of bringing nature – and children’s connection to it – back to life
Reading the World, Not Just the Words
Why it’s crucial to take students of all ages out of the classroom and into the community
Community-Character Education
Exploring, defining and enhancing the visual environment of our communities.
Good Design Matters
Growth is inevitable, but the destruction of community character and natural resources that too often accompanies it is not.
Urban Gardening Renaissance
Urban school gardens reach out to their communities and complement "green school" philosophy.
Student "Experts" in Community Character
An interdisciplinary unit for middle school grades.
Do You See What I See?
An activity to help students understand visual pollution and begin to recognize it in their environment.
Localism as a Guiding Framework for Schools
Placing more focus on local issues in educational programs can serve to deepen students’ understanding of global issues, and increase caring and enthusiasm for learning.
Pedestrian City
Help middle and high school students investigate the walkability of their urban neighbourhoods to prepare them to become globally-minded and locally-engaged citizens with these 3 urban mobility activities.