Enhancing Biodiversity in your Schoolyard
Learning about native plants yields lifetime benefits
Healthy Places, Sustainable Spaces
Everyday actions for healthy and sustainable learning environments
Greening Your Schoolyard with Native Plants
How to maximize your school garden and minimize excess labour
From Garbage to Green
Creating a student-led recycling club to develop a school-wide waste-reduction plan
Make Natural Spaces Clean and Your Art Class Green
A personal journey in repurposing disposables.
Hydroponics for Education
Boosting air quality and student engagement by growing indoor plants
Introducing Students to Landscape Architecture
Classroom activities spotlight a creative career choice that helps the environment
Fostering Youth Leadership in Urban Places
Building just and healthy communities requires trust in young people
The Giving of the Gardens
Inspiring a new year of growth by sharing garden accomplishments with next year’s gardeners
Best Practices for School Gardens
Giving you the tools to overcome the challenges and be successful
Feeling the Heat
A student-centered approach to reducing the urban heat island effect on campus
Put Up a Paradise
It is not as hard as it looks. Isn’t it time to depave schoolyards and begin collecting stormwater?
Returning to the Earth
Learning about decomposition both on the schoolyard and inside the classroom
Starting a School Garden Summer Camp
The school year always ends just as the school garden is starting to blossom – extend learning by running your own summer garden day camp
An Outdoor Play and Learn Area
This unique elementary school playground helps kids learn about science and the environment while having fun and keeping active. By Amanda Gebicki and Alison Reilly.
An excerpt from Green Teacher's Summer 2013 issue.
Connecting With Bugs
Use children's natural curiosity about insects to ignite a passion for science and the natural world. By John Guyton and Lois Connington.
Read the full article from Green Teacher's Summer 2013 issue.
Green School in Bali
Recently voted the Greenest School on Earth by the US Green Building Council, this article describes the school and some of the projects underway.
Investigating Water Pathways in Schoolyards
Based on a learning progression of student understandings, this hands-on activity provides high school students with a locally-relevant way to learn about the water cycle.
Nature Mapping
Schoolyard nature mapping teaches basic mapping techniques and encourages close observation of plants and animals through the seasons.
Urban Gardening Renaissance
Urban school gardens reach out to their communities and complement "green school" philosophy.
School Food Gardens in Multicultural Inner-city Settings
A model for maintaining gardening programs year round through school-community partnerships.
Growing an Endangered Plants Network
In communities across North America, threats to plants are at record levels. The Endangered Plants Stewardship Network, initiated by educators from botanical museums, government agencies and environmental groups, is engaging teachers and students in learning about and helping to restore populations of rare and endangered plants in the southeastern U.S.
A Permaculture School Garden
Applying the principles of a design methology called permaculture to school gardens and other projects helps to reinforce the values of resourcefulness, stewardship and sustainability.
The Field of Dreams (and Other Outdoor Classroom Myths)
It takes more than benches and butterfly bushes to create a well-used outdoor classroom. Here’s how one school is succeeding through creative ideas that give teachers the training, tools, and confidence to take learning outdoors.