An Inquiry-based Study of a Pipeline
Incorporating water quality testing into your classroom
Students, Safe Water Gardens, and the UN SDGs
Delivering life-saving sanitation through awesome virtual travel!
Christianity and Ecological Preservation in the Southeastern United States
An understanding and implications for environmental educators and activists
Our Climate, Our Communities: Science, Systems, and Solutions
Zoom Transforms Hybrid to Online.
Greening Your Schoolyard with Native Plants
How to maximize your school garden and minimize excess labour
The Garden as an Integrating Context for Learning
Building cross-curricular connections year-‘round with sustainable food production.
Maskwi’omin: A Birch Bark Antibiotic
Bringing Western and Indigenous methods to the science classroom
Interviewing a Sea Lion
Using video and other social media to advance environmental activism in teens
Feeding Plants to Feed the World
A sequence of activities to teach the nutrient story to middle and high school students
Introducing Students to Landscape Architecture
Classroom activities spotlight a creative career choice that helps the environment
Riding the Waves of EBE
Integrated environment-based education offers young students lessons in literacy, social studies, and science
The Giving of the Gardens
Inspiring a new year of growth by sharing garden accomplishments with next year’s gardeners
Best Practices for School Gardens
Giving you the tools to overcome the challenges and be successful
Learning to be Gentle Giants
Inspiring nature-focussed values and habits in young children
Engineering to do Nothing
Put to work the basic astronomy knowledge of 10-14 year olds in teaching passive solar house design
Take the Green Challenge
Green Challenges provide easy access points for incorporating environmental themes into school culture, and help green schools get back to the basics
Climate Justice in the Classroom
Help high school students connect equity, economy, ecology, society and hope
A Lean Green Sun Harvesting Machine
Making solar energy teaching more fun by using invisible forces to power race cars
Mapping Watersheds
Teach teenagers about our impact on watersheds in this multidisciplinary cartography project
From Blackberry Patches to Blacktop
The importance of bringing nature – and children’s connection to it – back to life
Wetland Warriors
Foster environmental connections via this interdisciplinary,middle school project
Fracking: Unlocking the Great Debate
The controversy behind hydraulic fracturing provides fuel for high school students to become critical thinkers
Stormwater Stewards
Stormwater science lab and field activities for middle and high school students
New Country, New Home, New Nature
Welcoming immigrants through an intercultural outdoor recreation. By Adrienne Blattel.
An excerpt from Green Teacher's Summer 2013 issue.
Visualizing More Sustainable Futures
Contemporary education ignores the future but sustainability education requires it. Here’s a compelling rationale and some activities that will help young people think more critically and creatively about the future.
Investigating Water Pathways in Schoolyards
Based on a learning progression of student understandings, this hands-on activity provides high school students with a locally-relevant way to learn about the water cycle.
Concrete Without Quarries
A sustainable chemistry lab inspired by ocean corals that allows students to create concrete through a reaction using car exhaust and seawater.
Zambian Girl Inspires Water Action
Real-life stories of hope empower youth to become global citizens and learn about water and sanitation issues.