
Join fellow “green teachers” in this virtual group discussion and problem-solving session. On May 20th, we heard the inspiring stories of how four environmental educators have overcome pandemic-related barriers through innovation and creativity. We followed this with short group discussions that left everyone wanting more time. Enter this webinar entirely dedicated to discussion. We welcome back our presenters from May 20th to moderate discussions in breakout rooms. Each room will be dedicated to one “big question” facing EEs during this tumultuous time. You’re welcome to stay in one room or switch among several. At the end of the discussions, each breakout room moderator will summarize their group’s findings so that everyone can leave with realistic solutions that can be readily applied. Note: Though this is a follow-up to our May 20th webinar, you need not have attended it to benefit from this community discussion.


Dave Bauer is the founder of the Creative Nature Play initiative through which he has written and published the children’s story What’s Under That Rock, Papa? Throughout his career, Dave has taught environmental science, change leadership, and creative thinking. He engages with the outdoors through various forms of recreation and exploration.

Jared Goodykoontz loves connecting with all life around him: feathered, furred, scaled, little, big, green, human, etc. He is blessed to be able to help hundreds of families in central Ohio connect with their local nature every week through his Little Adventures Big Connections nature program. He loves exploring the senses, tracking, bird language, and gardening with his school’s 2–6-year-olds. His main passion is fostering relationships: between him and his students, his students and their parents, and everyone with the plant and animal life around them. In addition to his weekly program, he has also written and illustrated three children’s books using bits of nature from around his own wooded property. He lives with his wife and daughter (and a daughter on the way!) in central Ohio.

Shakira Provasoli is a K–5 environmental science teacher at PS 333 in New York City. Ms. Provasoli began teaching 21 years ago as an early childhood teacher before following her passion for the natural world to become an educator of the environment. Ms. Provasoli teaches a course on Sustainability for teachers, and she has written curriculum for New York Sun Works’ Greenhouse Project. Ms. Provasoli received a B.A. and an M.S.Ed. from Sarah Lawrence College and STEM certification from Teachers College. She was also honored at the White House, receiving the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education. Ms. Provasoli is currently a Math for America fellow and a member of the New York City Elementary Science Leadership Team.

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