Monday, January 13, 2014.
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
 Eastern Standard Time
Presenter: Dave Bauer
Please register by clicking here

The webinar will focus on the core competencies needed by young adults to act as effective change agents in their schools and communities.  A research-based model in achieving this mission is the Young Adults Environmental Leadership Program (YAELP).  Among the topics Dave will address are  creative problem solving, change leadership, relationship building, qualities of high performing teams, team roles, environmental and social justice, advocacy, project design and management, funding your project.   Participants will be invited to share their experiences in ways to mobilize our youth through novel and useful environmental programs.

Dave Bauer is the President of Sustainable Earth Solutions, Inc. and a former teacher of Environmental Science in the Buffalo, New York area.  He is currently as sustainability consultant, leadership trainer and a business facilitator.  Each year, he organizes the Young Adults Environmental Leadership Program (YAELP).