Do you know someone who has undertaken projects or educational activities related to invasive species with young people aged 9-18?
If so, we’d invite you or them to submit a proposal for an article or activity that they’d like to contribute to a book that Green Teacher will be publishing early in 2014 in both print and electronic versions. Thanks to funding from the Invasive Species Centre, we’re now searching for the best ideas and activities that teachers and other youth educators have developed to engage young people to learn about – and act upon – invasive species. We are also interested in publishing short videos, that can be posted on the Green Teacher website, as a companion feature to the book.
Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone that you think might be interested in this opportunity.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Monday June 3rd. (The deadline for submitting draft articles and activities will be August 15th.) Proposals need be no longer than one paragraph. It you are proposing to share an activity or learning strategy, please indicate the age group(s) for which the activities would be most appropriate.
What sorts of submissions are we looking for? While the book will have a strong focus on Science-related activities associated with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, we’d also welcome submissions related to the arts, social studies and other subject areas. As with our 6 previous books, we want this one to have multi-disciplinary activities useful to all ages of youth, inside and outside of schools. Apart from practical activities, we’d also welcome proposals for perspective articles that help youth educators approach this important topic.
Thanks in advance for considering this invitation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Please send your submissions and comments to Tim Grant (timATgreenteacherDOTcom).