Presenters: Amber Carlin-Mishkin and JoEllen Schuleman

Originally aired: October 6th, 2021

Hydroponic systems not only provide food, but they present real-life opportunities to enhance your curriculum. Within a classroom, a hydroponic system naturally becomes a medium through which students can take charge of their learning, test out new ideas and connect to one of the most basic human activities: farming.

Learn what it takes to farm inside your classroom and how it provides a space for students to reflect, protect, and steward for the sake of our shared future and very existence.

JoEllen Schuleman is an Elementary Science specialist at PS 199 in New York City with a passion for inspiring agency and a connection to the planet in her students. JoEllen is one of the founders of Rootprint*. She has a B.A. in Government from the University of Texas and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Houston. She is a lifelong learner, an experienced provider of PD, and a former science coach. She also co-created a proprietary K–8 curriculum integrating hydroponics into science. She is a two-time Master Teachers Fellow with Math for America and a member of the NYCDOE Elementary Science Leadership Team.

Amber Carlin-Mishkin began her education career in 2002 with the NYC Teaching Fellows and is currently a 4th-grade teacher at the Maurice Sendak Community School in Brooklyn, New York. Amber is a co-founder of Rootprint and was previously the Director of Education Programs for an NYC nonprofit sustainability science organization where she co-created proprietary K–8 programming (125+ lessons) linking hydroponics and sustainability with NYC Science Scope & Sequence. Amber earned a B.A. from Fordham College and an M.S. in Education from Brooklyn College. She is an urban gardener, a hydroponic enthusiast, and a former cattle farmer.

Rootprint NY is an educational consultancy focused on designing innovative hydroponics and sustainability programs, customized project support, and professional development in both formal and informal educational settings.