Originally appears in the Fall 2015 issue
When I was younger, I didn’t call myself an environmentalist; I still don’t really. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve always cared about environmental issues. I recycle, carpool when I can, use my re-useable grocery bags, but was I (am I) an environmentalist? Nah – that label isn’t for me, nor is the responsibility and expectation that comes with it.
For a long time, I had the same kind of mixed relationship with the topic of climate change. I knew that it was happening, I knew what it was doing to our planet and to life on it, and like the vast majority of scientists and researchers,[i] I knew that we humans were the cause. However, the subject was not something I focused on; it was something that I chose to engage with sometimes, and chose to ignore other times. Its effects seemed far away, in a distant time and place, its causes seemed overwhelming and the distress of thinking about it seemed to outweigh the benefits.
My ambivalence with the topic changed when I discovered the movement for climate justice. More than just saving trees, protecting (often the cutest) animals, and enjoying and experiencing nature, climate justice recognized that climate change was a social equity issue, and a moral one. It named that the people suffering the most from the consequences of burning fossil fuels were the ones who contributed to, and benefited from them the least. It recognized that social equity, racial justice, historical responsibility, and functioning democracies all need to be a part of any viable plan to address climate change, and that all those things are worth focusing on and fighting for. More than that though, it saw that actions that reduce our carbon emissions and better adapt our communities to climate change are our best chance to ensure our long-term economic security and improve the lives of the poor and marginalized people of the world.
Working with the British Columbia office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, I helped to develop a new climate justice resource for teachers to use in their classrooms. The resulting curriculum package[ii] includes eight highly interactive lessons designed for secondary students (and adaptable for grades six to eight) that explore climate change in the context of British Columbia’s communities, history, economy, and ecology. Looking at the issues through the lenses of fairness and equity, each lesson explores how we can chart a course forward to face the world’s climate challenges, and how that work can improve the lives of people throughout the country. It is a free resource, available both online and in print and can easily be adapted for cities and towns all over North America.
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The lessons provide frameworks to unpack modern social and environmental issues such as our industrial food system, consumerism/waste, the potential in a green economy, and provincial fossil fuel development. It offers lessons to teachers and students that are different from other resources out there.
All of the lessons in the package focus on system change, and not personal choice approaches to tackling social and environmental problems. This is a major departure from education materials and environmental/social justice campaigns of the past, which focus mostly on encouraging people to buy green products, or a person’s ability to make individual lifestyle changes such as switching to reusable grocery bags or recycling. Although small personal changes do help people to engage with an issue, those approaches often do not make impacts big enough to change our direction as a whole. Such strategies also privilege those with the financial ability to buy into the solutions, while they are less accessible to people who are poorer or have low income. It is this focus on systems thinking, local contexts, and local solutions that I try to focus on in my own teaching, and I hope these resources provide other teachers across North America the opportunity to do the same.
All of the statistics, graphs and examples in the Climate Justice Curriculum Package are pulled from local studies and stories in British Columbia, but can be applied across North America with a bit of your own research. Too often we think of the negative effects of climate change as something that happens to poor people “over there” in the global south whilst all of us lucky people in North America are insulated from its impacts and the other true inequities of the world. There is some truth to this narrative, but overall, this story of the privileged west and the downtrodden south blinds us to injustices and opportunities for change in our own backyard. It allows us to ignore the facts that British Columbia has the highest child poverty rate of all of the Canadian provinces[iii], and that Canada is one of the worst nations in the world for carbon emissions per capita[iv]. It allows us to overlook that if food or transportation prices go up because of climate disruptions, poor people in cities such as Victoria, Chicago, and Texas have their food security threatened. It also allows us to forget that proposals for new or expanded oil pipelines transporting bitumen from the Alberta tar sands, and proposed fracking and liquefied natural gas industries would release more carbon into the air than scientists say is safe for our continued existence on the planet[v]. By focusing on North American content and contexts, the lessons make climate justice meaningful and real to people here at home.
The lessons focus on solutions, and use local schools and communities as examples where students can plan actions or redesign systems. The focus on projects in students’ local contexts was a deliberate choice. Today, many schools are embracing a cross-curricular and holistic approach to education and are actively searching for resources and projects that draw connections between different curriculum areas and classes. The Climate Justice Curriculum Package is full of resources that allow teachers to discuss an issue in Social Studies, write about it in English, explore its physical characteristics and systems in Science, and do a school project around it in a course on Leadership.
One of the eight lessons is based on the work of Joanna Macy. It asks and explores the questions of “What can we do in this current moment of crisis to build the future we want?” and “What might our role be in this coming change?” Using partners, students speak to family members seven generations in the future, naming our current crisis within the context of history, recognizing some of our current obstacles and challenges, and imagining and identifying the possibilities of resilience, transformation, and hope.
Together, we can help young people connect the dots and build a bridge between the world we want, and the world that is possible. All of our students, whether they be future doctors, lawyers, engineers, entrepreneurs, carpenters, or construction workers, or stay-at-home parents, can be a part of the movement and the story of remaking our world for the better if they recognize the potential in a greener, fairer, more climate just future. As teachers, it is through exploring these themes with our classes that we can share the gifts we have and find our own role in the movement to recreate our future for the better. I hope that you and your students find the following lesson and the others helpful and valuable as you explore the possibilities of a better world.
Imagining the Future We Want
Responding to a big issue like climate change can make people feel overwhelmed, even though there are lots of alternatives and solutions. In this module, we engage students to imagine the world they want.
- Students will view the current climate crisis as a call to action.
- Students will connect to the ecological story of our time and the implications for their future descendants.
- Students will be motivated to take action to make a better life and future for themselves and the people they care about.
Time: 60 minutes
Read aloud: “The human enterprise has already overshot global carrying capacity and accelerating global change will soon force the world community to contemplate the end of material growth. If our best climate and environmental science is basically correct then humanity faces a choice between maintaining business-as-usual — in which case nature is likely to impose a chaotic implosion — or planning an orderly equitable contraction. In short, to achieve sustainability with justice we will have to deliberately scale back the global economy (or at least reduce the throughput of energy and material) and consider means to redistribute ecological and economic wealth at national and local levels.”
– William Rees, Avoiding Collapse
Many people see the climate crisis as a call to action – to make things better and to strive for climate justice. The transition away from fossil fuels can be a way to improve the lives of all people and to ensure the benefits and burdens of the transition are distributed equitably. As we make major changes to reduce our GHG emissions and adapt to climate change, there are many opportunities for well-paying jobs and innovation. We do not face a technological challenge so much as a challenge of finding the political will to make change.
The climate justice questions for this moment become:
- How can we build a sustainable future that strengthens our economy and society, and that doesn’t only benefit some at the expense of others?
- What things are young people doing to start this revolution?
Show video:
What can young people in your community do to react to climate change? youtu.be/IdgPEUvjGSs
Activity: “The Double Circle”
This activity draws on Joanna Macy’s The Work that Reconnects, specifically Chapter 9 – “Deep Time: Reconnecting With Past and Future Generations”: www.joannamacy.net/theworkthatreconnects/guidebook.html
NOTE: The following exercise should have an atmosphere of shared space and ceremony. Student and teacher cell phones/mobile devices should be turned off and inaccessible during this time in order to maintain the feeling of a sacred space and eliminate distraction of focus. Teachers should also put great intention behind how they are speaking and the character of their cues for transition. The use of a bell or chime to signal the end of response time is highly recommended.
Create two concentric circles (an inside circle and an outside circle that encompasses it). There should be the same number of people in both circles. People in the inside circle face out, and people in the outside circle face in, so that everyone is facing a partner. Once students have made this formation, ask them to sit in silence for ten seconds before they start the exercise to set the tone.
Throughout this exercise, when one person is talking, it is important for the listener to be totally present for them and to listen actively. Keep in mind that body language to indicate active listening will differ for people for cultural and other reasons; the important thing is for each student to bring all of their attention to what they are doing, saying and hearing.
Read aloud: The people on the inside circle – the person sitting across from you is your descendant. Through a miracle of fate, you are able to be face to face with your great, great, great, great, great grandchild – seven generations from now. The future is a very different world than it is today, and our present moment is known in the future as a pivotal one in the history of humanity. [Insert current year here] is a time of ecological disaster. Centuries of burning fossil fuels have altered the climate of our planet, and it is this present moment that determined the future for generations after. Your descendant asks this question: “Ancestor, is what we’ve been taught by our teachers and learned in our history courses true? Is it true that in the times in which you lived, wars and preparations for war, hunger and homelessness, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, poisons in the seas and soil and air, the death of many species… all these things were happening all the time? What was that like for you?”
Ask the person from the present to respond to the person from the future.
Ring a bell or chime to signal the end of the response time.
Ask the people in the outside circle to rotate clockwise to the next person in the inside circle.
Read aloud: The descendants ask a second question: “Ancestor, we have stories and films and songs that tell of what you and your friends did back in your time to bring important changes to the world for the better. What I want to know is how did you start? You must have felt lonely and confused sometimes, especially at the beginning. What first steps did you take? How did you take part in that change process?”
Ask the person from the present to respond to the person from the future. Ring a bell or chime to signal the end of the response time.
Ask the people in the outside circle to rotate clockwise again.
Read aloud: The descendants ask a third question. “Ancestor, I know you didn’t stop with those first actions on behalf of the Earth, despite the challenges you faced. Tell me, what gave you hope? Where did you find the strength and what gave you joy to continue working so hard, despite all the obstacles and discouragement?”
Ask the person from the present to respond to the person from the future.
Ring a bell or chime to signal the end of the response time.
Read aloud: Descendants, please stay where you are. Now it is your turn to talk, while your ancestor listens. Share what you thought and felt after all you have heard from your ancestors.
Ring a bell or chime to signal the end of the activity.
Debrief exercise as a class. Students can respond to these questions verbally or in writing:
- What emotions came up in the course of this exercise?
- How did it feel to tell the story to your descendants, or to hear the story from your ancestors, in the context of “history”?
- What ideas came to mind when you described, or heard about, how we took action to address climate change?
- What came to mind when you spoke or heard about what provided hope when hardships or obstacles arose?
- What would you like to do in this present moment to make a better life and future for you and the people you care about? Be specific:
- What can I do in my family?
- What can we do as a classroom? − What can we do as a school?
- What can we commit to now?
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Ryan Cho teaches at Terry Fox Secondary School in Port Coquitlam, BC. He developed classroom Climate Justice Curriculum Resources for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, exploring how climate change issues connect to the issues of inequity and fairness in British Columbia. Previously he worked as a Curriculum Coordinator for the Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership. Ryan currently sits on the anti-poverty committee with the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation Committee for Action on Social Justice. As a writer, Ryan received a Golden Leaf Award from the Canadian Educational Press Association for his piece Privatization and privilege comes at a price.
The Climate Justice Curriculum Package, including 8 modules with embedded videos, downloadable graphics, Power Points, print-friendly PDFs, and additional resources is available free to use and adapt at http://www.teachclimatejustice.ca. The following lesson is Module #7 in the unit and draws on Climate Justice Project research including: Avoiding Collapse: An agenda for sustainable degrowth and relocalizing the economy www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/avoiding-collapse
A Green Industrial Revolution: Climate Justice, Green Jobs and Sustainable Production in Canada www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/green-industrial-revolution
[i] http://environment.yale.edu/climate-communication/article/scientific-and-public-perspectives-on-climate-change
[ii] http://teachclimatejustice.ca/
[iii] http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-has-highest-child-poverty-rate-in-canada-report-1.2440909
[iv] http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/18/canada-climate-policy-worst_n_4296396.html
[v] http://www.straight.com/news/497706/will-liquefied-natural-gas-frenzy-blow-bcs-carbon-budget