Contribute to a special issue of Green Teacher on Place-based Education!

What inspires teachers to take students out of the classroom to learn? What are the challenges? What are the rewards?

Scheduled for publication in the Summer of 2016, this special issue of Green Teacher will address the particular rewards and challenges teachers encounter while learning with their students outside of the classroom. Articles will encompass how educators (classroom teachers and non-formal educators) orchestrate place-based learning worldwide. We welcome contributions about the history of this practice, inspirational tales, how students meet standards, logistics of learning outdoors, and so on.

Teachers, students, and providers of professional development are invited to send in a proposal. Send outline of proposed article to: Amy Demarest at

Deadline for submitting outlines: August 1, 2015.

For more information click here.

Guest editor: Amy Demarest, (Our Curriculum Matters) author of Place-based Curriculum Design: Exceeding Standards Through Local Investigations and GT 106 cover story Reading the World, Not Just the Words.