L’Éducation en plein air trousse


Apprendre pas a pas

Apprendre pas à pas est une ressource innovatrice interdisciplinaire pour les éducateurs du préscolaire, du primaire et du secondaire qui veulent permettre à leurs élèves d’apprendre en dehors des murs de l'école. Les marches éducatives proposées peuvent être réalisées dans n'importe quel contexte et permettent de développer le sentiment d’appartenance des élèves et d’enrichir leur compréhension des matières scolaires. Les 60 activités centrées sur la marche présentées dans cette ressource sont fondées sur les principes de l'éducation écologique imaginative. Elles sont conçues pour toucher les émotions et l’imagination des élèves dans une démarche d’éveil au lieu, à leur communauté naturelle et culturelle, et place leur questionnements au centre des apprentissages.

Dr Gillian Judson enseigne à la faculté déducation de l'Université Simon Fraser en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada, en plus d’être directrice administrative du Centre For Imagination In Research, Culture, And Education (CIRCE) (www.circesfu.ca).

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L'Éducation en plein air

Apprendre et enseigner dehors en tous lieux et en toutes saisons

Comment enseigner dehors, et ce, en tous lieux et en toutes saisons?

Juliet Robertson s’adresse aux personnes enseignantes qui souhaitent faire vivre à leurs élèves de 4 à 12 ans des situations d’apprentissage riches et authentiques en plein air. En se basant sur sa grande expérience et sur la recherche, elle accompagne les personnes enseignantes qui souhaitent intégrer l’éducation en plein air à leurs pratiques et celles qui le font déjà et qui voudraient aller encore plus loin. Les bénéfices de cette approche sont nombreux : des effets positifs sur le bien-être des enfants, des apprentissages plus signifiants et durables, l’amélioration des habiletés sociales, le développement d’une citoyenneté responsable et peut-être même de l’amour envers la nature.

L’autrice propose un large éventail de situations d’apprentissage touchant le développement global et différentes disciplines scolaires. Ses nombreuses idées sont généralement simples et demandent un minimum de ressources. Leur mise en oeuvre peut se faire tout au long de l’année, que ce soit dans la cour d’école, un petit bois à proximité ou les espaces variés du quartier.

Elle présente également de nombreux conseils de gestion de groupe, offrant des solutions concrètes aux problèmes pratiques les plus fréquents. Cet ouvrage tout en couleurs, illustré de photographies inspirantes, sera un guide précieux pour les personnes enseignantes novices et expertes dans leurs pratiques d’éducation en plein air!

Nombre de pages: 224

In stock

Enhanced Sit Pad (recycled & durable)

Sit pads are a great tool for transitioning your learning outdoors year-round. This one is extra comfy, easy to carry, and the exterior is made from waterproof 600 Denier Polyester with PVC backing and filled with soft, shredded, recycled foam. Due to the larger size, it is recommended for educators and older students (grades 5+).

To accompany our sit pads we offer these excellent resources:

  1. Sitting With Nature: An Educator’s Guide to Sit Spots
  2. Me and My Sit Spot

Ethical Elements: More durable than our basic sit pad, this easy-to-carry outdoor seat is also stuffed full of recycled materials! Read more about our ethical policies & practices.



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Recycled & Weatherproof Clipboard (green)

Our clipboards are durable, weatherproof, and made from recycled plastic!

This easy-to-write-on surface provides a simple option for turning the outdoors into your classroom. :)

"The plastic clipboards are a game changer for outdoor ed." - Teacher, Southeast Kootenay School District 5

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Field Journal with Waterproof Paper

These journals feature all-weather & recyclable writing paper that sheds water and enables you to write with a pencil anywhere, in any weather conditions. A versatile option for any conditions that Mother Nature throws at you!

Colours: We have access to both yellow and green, but access to colours varies considerably from our supplier and so we will provide you with the colour available at the time of order.

Ethical Elements: Recyclable paper. Offered in partnership with Take Me Outside, a Canadian non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and facilitating action on nature connection and outdoor learning in schools across Canada. 50% of the proceeds of this go to Take Me Outside Canada.

The Inside Scoop: We know that writing outside can be a limiting factor for outdoor learning, especially in the rainy season! So we were thrilled when our friends at Take Me Outside got in touch with a solution. We know that this will help many to take their learning outside, despite the varied weather our country offers us!

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Handheld Field Magnifier

Help your students focus in on the incredible world of the small! This 3x magnifier is large, durable and user-friendly for all ages. The magnifiers are sourced from a local supplier (see below). Read more about our ethical policies & practices.  Keep track of your magnifiers by adding a lanyard to make this a hands-free carry-and-go item for your students.

The Inside Scoop: It kills us to see those cheap plastic magnifiers that schools tend to use that get so scratched up. As a result, after months of looking for a magnifier that was durable, strong, scratch resistant and super user-friendly for all ages, we found one right under our noses! Our friends Jaye & Shelli carry this one at their local office supplies shop. And Jaye knows something about strength... he is a Canadian Paralympian for track cycling! Check him out here...

Lanyards are sold separately: 

  1. We offer an Every Child Matters lanyard with a breakaway function. These are designed by Strong Nations in collaboration with Algonquin artist Don Bonner. It features the message "Every Child Matters" and a feather design.
  2. We also offer an Explore Your World lanyard with a ‘breakaway’ function is made from organic cotton, so have been grown without pesticides from plants that have not been genetically modified. They are exceptionally soft and 100 percent biodegradable.

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Basic Backpack (made from recycled pop bottles!)

These lightweight & affordable backpacks allow each student to store & transport their outdoor learning equipment & resources. The size of main pouch is 45cm high x 32.5cm wide x 25cm deep. Straps can be manually adjusted for length. They are suitable for grades 3+ (including teachers!) but can be adjusted to make shorter for younger/smaller students.

Care Instructions: Hand wash in cold water with like colors. Hang or lay flat to dry only. Do not machine wash, do not machine / tumble dry. Do not bleach.

Ethical Elements: Made from recycled pop bottles, and sourced for a socially ethical supplier. Read more about our ethical policies & practices.

The Inside Scoop: After looking at dozens of options, this one rose to the surface as one that was affordable, modelled sustainable practices, fit a variety of ages, and have an adequate volume. And we were very pleased to work with a company that has very high ethical standards to source this!

Are your Basic Backpack straps a little long for the little ones? Never fear! The straps are incredibly easy to adjust! Watch how below!


Blue (with zipper pocket)

Every Child Matters Lanyards

This year, our lanyard features a Wolf design from Kwakwaka'wakw artist Daniel Puglas and the message "Every Child Matters".

The wolf represents loyalty, strong family ties, good communication, education, understanding and intelligence. Daniel's mom, Sally Williams, always said "protect your spirit" which he had in his mind during the creation of this design.

This lanyard with a 'breakaway', and can be paired with our handheld field magnifier. If you order these together we will attach them when they go out to you.


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Rings for attaching magnifiers and lanyards

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