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ISBN# 978-1-7386953-1-7
99 Pages
About the Authors:
Gillian Judson is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Her scholarship examines imagination’s role in leadership, learning (PreK-post-secondary), and imaginative and ecological teaching practices (PreK through post-secondary). Her latest books are entitled Cultivating Imagination in Leadership: Transforming Schools and Communities (Judson & Dougherty, Eds., Teachers College Press, 2023), Imagination and the Engaged Learner: Cognitive Tools for the Classroom (Egan & Judson, 2016), Engaging Imagination in Ecological Education: Practical Strategies for Teaching (Judson, 2015), and A Walking Curriculum: Evoking Wonder and Developing Sense of Place (Judson, 2018/2019).
Michelle McKay is a teacher/Early Years educator who teaches in a large urban centre in Ontario. She completed her Ph.D. at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto) in Curriculum and Pedagogy. Michelle’s research is situated around engaging Kindergarten students in teaching and learning about truth and reconciliation. Her passions include early learning, equity-based work, and inclusive instructional strategies. She provides professional development for educators from across the province on a range of topics related to early learning and play and enjoys working with Early Years professionals.
Klara is a teacher (OCT) in a large urban school board in Ontario and has spent the majority of her career learning alongside students in the Early Years. Klara’s passion lies in amplifying student identity and lived experiences as we #getoutside to extend the learning, learn with and from the Land, and develop a deeper sense of Place. Klara’s love of picture books (and her ever-growing collection) provides endless opportunities for students to see themselves represented, make connections, and be curious about the world around them. Klara continues to work to amplify the voices of Early Years educators and students and build community through opportunities for Early Years educators to learn from each other and together.