

Join us for wide-ranging chats with outdoor and environmental educators about best practices, changing trends, and new insights about the outdoor and environmental learning field. Long-time educators Ian Shanahan and Jade Berrill facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas.

Learning through a watershed lens

What is watershed education? Why is it a critical component of place-based learning? How can we engage students of all ages in learning through a watershed lens? In this two-part episode, Ian and Jade start by unpacking watershed education before Ian gets further into the pedagogy with David Ramsay. Water is a remarkable storyteller. All we have to do is listen to what it has to tell us.

Find our more and order watershed-related resources:

  1. Freshwater Education Testkit
  2. Super Salmon Learning Kit

Episode 20: Learning in, about, from, and for nature

What are some common barriers to learning in nature? How can we shift the paradigm whereby learning about nature is prioritized? What are some key lessons we can learn from nature? How does learning for nature also benefit learners? David DenHartog of the US-based Green Schools National Network shares his insights, observations, and advice.

Find our more and order related resources:

  1. The Book of Nature Connection
  2. Nature Explorer Pack

Episode 19: Giving outdoor learners the “experiential edge”

How does outdoor education differ from outdoor learning? What is the “experiential edge” for both young people and adults? Why does outdoor learning often diminish or stop with older learners? Nadine Ives of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and Tzomi Jazwicki of the New Brunswick Environmental Network answers these questions and more.

Find our more and order related resources:

  1. Looking Closely Outdoor Learning Class Kit
  2. Early Years Get Outside & Play Kit

Episode 18: From Eco-anxiety to Eco-action!

How can we support educators to manage their own eco-anxiety and that of their students? What is the process of moving from eco-anxiety to eco-action? Why is it so important to acknowledge, name, and sit with the complex emotions associated with environmental concerns? Earth Rangers experts join us to chat more.

Find our more and order related resources:

  1. FutureMakers Learning Program
  2. Earth Matters Board Game

Episode 17: Soil Study and Inquiry

What’s the value of learning about soil? How can educators engage their students in soil studies if they lack expertise? Why do so many people feel happier when they get their hands dirty? Garden classroom teacher Megan Zeni @roomtoplay spills the dirt.

Find our more and order soil-related resources:

  1. Soil Study and Inquiry Class Kit
  2. Soil Study and Inquiry Book Set

Episode 16: Community collaboration in built environments

What’s the most impactful length for educational programming? How does community collaboration help us manage challenges? Why is intergenerational learning so effective? Looking for resources to help connect your classroom to your community? Look no further. We’ve curated a five-book resource set for K-8 that has you covered for all your outdoor, sustainability, and community building needs.

Episode 15: Forging Nature-Based Connections

What is a ‘nature sommelier’? How are seeing and noticing different? Why is storytelling such a powerful outdoor learning tool? Find out about building nature connection and Jacob’s new book ‘The Book of Nature Connection‘!

Episode 14: Awakening to the lessons of the land

How do outdoor learning and various Indigenous teachings overlap? Indigenous Educator Jenna Jasek shares her favourite resources that enable you to find out.

Episode 13: Talking Astronomy with Astro Stephenson

Just you try to keep grounded when we get talking about stars, the universe and everything. If you want to share the night sky with your students look no further.

Episode 12: Natural Curiosity Through an Indigenous Lens

Doug Anderson and Julie Comay take us an curious journey of the importance of Indigenous perspectives when engaging Natural Curiosity and learning.

Episode 11: Teaching About Climate Change

Tim Grant has been doing this for just a little while… check out this stimulating deep dive into how teaching about climate change has well, changed and how you can do it best for kids and teens.

Episode 10: Take Me Outside

Colin’s work brings together physical education, outdoor education and giving kids a break from technology. His passion and hard work will have you scrambling to build your own non-profit legacy or maybe borrow his and run across Canada yourself??!!

Episode 9: Messy Maths and Dirty Teaching

You won’t believe the depths of the messiness, madness and muddy delights of Juliet Robertson’s brain. Whether you are a beginner or outdoor learning expert you can share in Juliet’s genius by using her books Messy Maths and Dirty Teaching in your work.

Episode 8: Water insights from the headwaters to the open ocean

Water is life – join the water experts as they share their perspective. Want to work with water with your class?  Find the resources here. 

Episode 7: Playing in the muck, art activities, and the walking curriculum

Outdoor learning, walking and inspiring art? Sounds like a dreamy day at school. Find the inspiration for your perfect day teaching here.

Episode 6: Reconnecting with the land through a child’s eyes

This chat features the delightful Ariana Roundpoint. We always try to elevate the voices of Indigenous creators. and Ariana’s perspective is one you don’t want to miss.

Episode 5: Returning to the Heart of a River

It’s Fall and we’re back to full episodes. This time Eileen Delehanty Pearkes shares her heart, and that of the Columbia River.

Episode 6: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Field Notebooks


More tangible than a photo these days, Field Journals record in so many ways!

Episode 5: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Dip nets

Dip in and around , there’s lots to be found!

Episode 4: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Magnifiers, minerals, and charismatic microfauna

Look closely and you might find something interesting!

Episode 3: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Rain Jackets and Watersheds

So you’re singing in the rain, rather than sinking.

Episode 2: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Binoculars

The future looks brighter and more in focus with the right equipment to hand.

Episode 1: Summer Sub Series | ‘Fables from The Field’ | Sit pads and spots

Get your own sit pad/frisbee/snow sled/comfort cushion here!

In the fourth episode of Earthy Chats, co-hosts Jade Harvey-Berrill and Ian Shanahan chatted with outdoor and garden educator Kaci Rae Christopher, author of The School Garden Curriculum:

Episode 04: Gardening as an entry point to thinking big

In the third episode of Earthy Chats, co-hosts Jade Harvey-Berrill and Ian Shanahan chatted with educator Faye O’Neil of the ʔaq̓am Community in the Ktunaxa Nation! Here’s a sneak-peek at what was discussed:

  • a childhood in nature
  • gaining knowledge from the land
  • gaps in the education system and how to fill them
  • making partnerships and maintaining open dialogue
  • how animals and plants are described in the Ktunaxa language
  • ways to achieve grounding in nature

Faye O’Neil (Cranbrook) is a member of the ?aqam Community in the Ktunaxa Nation. She is the Aboriginal Education Coordinator for Southeast School District No. 5, and she previously worked in Delta School District as an Aboriginal Support Worker. She sits on the ?aqam Education Committee and Lands Committee, the board for the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network, and is one of our Indigenous Advisors for our Non-profit Outdoor Learning store. She also has been actively engaged in supporting educators across the region by helping connect their programs and lessons with Indigenous knowledge, perspectives, and land-based learning.

Episode 03: Braiding Ktunaxa knowledge into learning

Find out more about the Indigenous Resources offered on Canada’s Outdoor Learning Store.

Episode 02: Meet the Envirosongsters!

Find our more and order the resources featured in this podcast:

  1. Think about the Wild
  2. Think about the Planet

Episode 01: Imaginative Ed. and a Walking Curriculum

Find our more and order the resources featured in this podcast:

  1. A Walking Curriculum
  2. Engaging Imagination in Ecological Education