September 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation & Orange Shirt Day

In advance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation & Orange Shirt Day on September 30, we would like to recommend the following Indigenous Learning Resources.

These are all made available on the recommendation of Indigenous staff, advisors and partners, and are all written, created, developed and offered by Indigenous authors, educators and artists, and offered in partnership with a variety of Indigenous publishers, partners and organizations.

Courses for Adults (Early bird closes Sept 30)

  1. 4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning 2024-2025 Course: October – May
  2. Nêhiyawêwin (Cree) Introductory Language Course: October – December
  3. Michif (Métis) Introductory Language Course: October – December

Books for Adults

  1. Just Released: Held by the Land: A Guide to Indigenous Plants for Wellness by Dr. Leigh Joseph
  2. New to us: Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence by Dr. Gregory Cajete
  3. Pre-orders Available! The Serviceberry: An Economy of Gifts and Abundance by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer

Workshops for Educators (free)

  1. Sept 17: Land-based Learning and Reconciliation: Resources for Teaching TEENS
  2. Sept 24: Land-based Learning and Reconciliation: Resources for Teaching CHILDREN
  3. Nov 19: Whispers of the Earth: A Journey through Indigenous Wisdom

Resources for Educators

  1. Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies: An Act for Reconciliation and Anti-Racist Education 
  2. Heartbeat of the Earth: A Handbook on Connecting Children to Nature through Indigenous Teachings
  3. Natural Curiosity: The Importance of Indigenous Perspectives in Children’s Environmental Inquiry

Resources for Secondary/Post-Secondary Learners

  1. The Journey Forward: 2 Novellas on Reconciliation for Youth (join us for a free workshop with the authors!)
  2. Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults
  3. Groundswell: Indigenous Knowledge and a Call to Action for Climate Change

Resources for Intermediate/Middle School Learners

  1. Orange Shirt Day Books & Educational Resource Package
  2. Strong Stories Bundle of 48 Indigenous Books
  3. We Are All Connected Indigenous Biodiversity Book Bundle

Resources for Primary/Early Years Learners

  1. Sila and the Land
  2. Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat As One
  3. Walking Together: Two-Eyed Seeing Children’s Book

For All Ages 

  1. Every Child Matters Flags
  2. Every Child Matters Lanyards
  3. Medicines to Help Us Kit (Book & Prints)

View ALL Indigenous Learning Resources

As always, 100% of proceeds from The Outdoor Learning School & Store goes back into supporting non-profit initiatives, including Indigenous Learning initiatives.

To extend your learning even further, we have compiled this list of 21 actions recommended by Indigenous staff, advisors and partners as a way for you to deepen your understanding and undertake meaningful action.