
Green Teacher Videos

A social change program that transforms young lives and mindsets by teaching kids to grow and cook fresh food in school. This tutorial video focuses on how to build your tower and how to sprout your seeds in engaging and educational ways with students or community members.
This tutorial video focuses on how to build your tower and how to sprout your seeds in engaging and educational ways with students or community members. This tutorial video focuses on how to build your tower and how to sprout your seeds in engaging and educational ways with students or community members.
This tutorial video focuses on how to build your tower and how to sprout your seeds in engaging and educational ways with students or community members. In this school, grade 7-12 students are free and encouraged to become their true selves and a place where success is chosen and achieved.
Learn about how to grow hydroponic crops in the classroom and at home with these wonderful ideas. The executive director of the world’s largest environmental education organization explains how vital environmental education programs are to his country’s economic development.
Explore the importance of multiculturalism in environmental education with Belinda Chin, Parks and Recreation Program Coordinator. Seattle, WA Join us on discovering what Nature Journaling can change depending on who is writing it (and drawing it).
Learn how environmental education saved the Hackensack Wetlands with Hugh Carola. Learn how to build a house for beneficial bugs and improve the local eco-system.
Learn about CICEANA. An organization in Mexico dedicating their efforts to teach and create green spaces. Learn how to dissect a mushroom in 10 minutes. From setting up a workstation to some fun activities you can use in your classroom or at home. It is an easy and quick hands-on experience for everyone.
See how Google Earth was used as a tool to manage data from an invasive plant survey at a school in Vermont. In this northern school, grade 6-12 students explore their natural and cultural environment and resource-based economy to foster collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking.
Cooper Chicken teaches us how to pack a healthy and waste-free lunch! See how this K-12 charter school in Wisconsin empower students to become high-achieving, life-long learners through the exploration of science and technology.
A profile of an inner-city alternative high school that is focused on social justice and sustainability. Weekly field experiences bring the classrooms outdoors and outdoors and inspire K12 students to be passionate stewards and involved citizens.