“If one tree fruits, they all fruit-there are no soloists…The trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective…All flourishing is mutual.”
And so it is with organizations too; The Outdoor Learning School & Store could not be what it is without all of our wonderful relationships.
We invite you on an adventure to explore some of the amazing things our partners, fellow humans and organizations are creating.
Around the world we are coming together to create amazing networks to support the growth of outdoor & environmental learning.
Hover over the logos for snapshot of each of our partners. Click on the logo to get more information about all the wonderful work being done.
Core Partners
TMO raises awareness and facilitates action on nature connection and outdoor learning in schools through initiatives such as TMO Day and their TMO for Learning School Year Challenge. We offer the TMO weatherproof student journals .
International Non-Profit Partners
By providing an online and print platform for the exchange of learning activities, regional resources, and innovative ideas in the environmental education space, CLEARING Magazine is supporting educators, community leaders, and families build a greater understanding of our relationship to our natural systems and the communities that depend on them.
Canadian Non-Profit Partners
River Institute is a non‐government organization established in 1994 as a unique community partnership among governments, educators, business and industry, and the Mohawks of Akwesasne. As a learning and discovery centre, we actively promote the value of scientific inquiry. Our education programs introduce thousands of students to the benefits of science and provide powerful role models for young people considering careers in science.
Interpretation Canada is a community that supports, engages, and inspires those involved in the field of heritage interpretation in Canada. Members are guides, naturalists, communicators, educators, writers, designers, managers—titles as diverse as the jobs they do—but their profession is interpretation.
PacFuns – Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature supports experiential place-conscious and nature-based environmental learning, leadership and cultural programs. PacFuns enhances the capacity for experiential learning in both environmental and cultural programming in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.
Outdoor Council of Canada (OCC) is a national network of people promoting a stronger connection to the outdoors. The OCC is the umbrella organization that represents thousands of individual and businesses in the Canadian outdoor sector, and addresses structural barriers hindering the ability of outdoor programs to reach their full impact.
US Non-profit Partners
MEES is comprised of a volunteer Board of Directors that meets monthly to plan the conference, manage communications, and work to bring information and programs to the EE community.
Outdoor Learning Advisors
Room to Play is an outdoor classroom and school garden consultancy that supports ECE and elementary school educators re-imagine where learning happens. Offering professional development webinars, workshops and keynotes that provide a fresh perspective on what outdoor play and learning can look like in our schools.
imaginED is designed to support and enable imagination-focused teaching in all contexts, from formal to alternative learning contexts, and from primary school through higher education. Two of Gillian Judson, PhD, teacher resources are available in our store: A Walking Curriculum & Engaging Imagination in Ecological Education.
At Wild Learning®, we believe that the outdoor environment is the ideal classroom for children. Our curriculums, Wild Math® and Wild Reading® use nature as a tool for learning essential math and reading skills. Research has shown that learning outside can increase attention, is more engaging, and is naturally hands-on and multi-sensory.