Indigenous Learning Resources


June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, and we know that across North America, and around the world, Indigenous knowledge and perspectives are foundational to outdoor learning, and so this learning needs to be ongoing.

Here are some recommended Indigenous Learning Resources to support the ongoing learning for both yourself, and your learners. These are all made available on the recommendation of Indigenous advisors and partners, and are all written, created and developed by Indigenous authors, artists and creators.

For Primary/Early Years Learners

  1. Sila and the Land
  2. Animals Care for Mother Earth Indigenous Learning Bundle
  3. Walking Together: 2-eyed Seeing – NEW to the Outdoor Learning Store! 

For Intermediate/Middle School Learners

  1. Strong Stories Bundle of 48 Indigenous Books
  2. We Are All Connected Indigenous Biodiversity Book Bundle
  3. Orange Shirt Day Books & Educational Resource Package – NEW to the Outdoor Learning Store! 

For Secondary/Post-Secondary Learners

  1. Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults
  2. Pacific Northwest Plant Cards
  3. Medicines to Help Us Kit (Book & Prints) – NEW to the Outdoor Learning Store! 

For Educators

  1. Natural Curiosity: The Importance of Indigenous Perspectives
  2. Curiosité naturelle, 2e édition: Ressource pour l’enseignante ou l’enseignant
  3. Heartbeat of the Earth: A Handbook on Connecting Children to Nature through Indigenous Teachings – NEW to the Outdoor Learning Store! 

For All Adults

  1. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
  2. Groundswell: Indigenous Knowledge and a Call to Action for Climate Change
  3. Gathering Moss by Robin Wall Kimmerer – NEW to the Outdoor Learning Store! 

For Everyone

  1. Every Child Matters Flags
  2. Every Child Matters Lanyards
  3. Indigenous Rubber Stamp Animal Collection

Workshops & Courses for Indigenous Learning

  1. 4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning
  2. Ktunaxa Language Course for Educators
  3. Walking Together: (Re)Connecting to Nature through Two-Eyed Seeing

View ALL Indigenous Learning Resources

As always, 100% of proceeds from The Outdoor Learning Store goes back into supporting non-profit initiatives, including Indigenous Learning initiatives.